
Quality & Engineering: Keeping GA Telesis Soaring By Fabian Robinson

Quality & Engineering: Keeping GA Telesis Soaring By Fabian Robinson

Have you ever glanced up towards the sky and wondered, “How and why do planes fly so high?”  Divine in their miraculous splendor, aircraft are able to safely soar high above because they are composed of many components that come together to subvert the most obvious laws of physics. Unbeknownst to many, aircraft are modern wonders that would not be the great marvels they are today without quality and engineering. Building upon the foundation laid during… Read more

Logistics Solutions Benefiting our Customers / by Dr. Andreas Bauer

Logistics Solutions Benefiting our Customers / by Dr. Andreas Bauer

When we look within the aviation business, we see aircraft, engines, and parts constantly traversing the earth, but have you ever wondered what was the means and cost it took to do it?  There are numerous methods and pricing schemes to deliver products around the world.  For example, the cost to deliver a component between continents can be very high when utilizing an On Board Courier. What’s worse is when the part costs much less… Read more